Asiemut, was this crazy idea to ride more than 8000 km by bike across Asia, from Mongolia to the Ganga plains in India. Passionate by video making and conscious of its great potential to communicate, we wanted to make a movie that would have our spectators reflect throughout a simplistic adventure, an adventure involving nomadic occidentals whom share their feelings, thoughts and values.
Asiemut is the proud recipient of 35 awards all over the world; it was screened in more than 40 countries on the six continents, it was also presented in Quebec (our hometown) with "Les Grands Explorateurs" during a movie-conference, in many different schools across the province reaching more than 45 000 students, elsewhere in Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Poland and in the United States.
The book Cadence, written by Mélanie all through this long voyage (in French only), will allow you to be part of their adventure. Her humour, emotion and rhythm in the heart of this adventure of getting to know herself as well as others will captivate you.
You can also discover or rediscover Asiemut by watching the DVD or listening to the movie soundtrack.